Solera / Réserve perpétuelle
Die frischen Weine des letzten Jahrgangs werden von den älteren Weinen
«erzogen» und nehmen die reifen Qualitäten der…
Die frischen Weine des letzten Jahrgangs werden von den älteren Weinen
«erzogen» und nehmen die reifen Qualitäten der…
The «assemblage» combines different, selected base wines to a unique Champagne artwork...
The cork of a Champagne bottle, like all corks, has an elongated cylindrical shape to begin with. The well-known mushroom shape...
«Disgorgement» is the process of removing the yeast deposit created during the 2nd fermentation from the neck of the bottle....
According to legend, the Benedictine monk Pierre Pérignon (1638-1715), known as Dom Pérignon, is credited with inventing the "Méthode...
After pressing, the grape must is usually fermented in large steel tanks or oak barrels, whereby the resulting CO2...
The noble creation of the «assemblage» is bottled in Champagne bottles and provided with the so-called «liqueur de tirage»...
The «Méthode Champenoise» includes the 1st and the 2nd fermentation, whereby the 2nd fermentation always takes place in tightly closed bottles...
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